Birds of a Feather Meetings

National Software Engineering Centers
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Sea Pearl 1
Organizers: David Garlan (Carnegie Mellon University), Sang Eun Lee (Korean National Software Engineering Center)

Software Engineering Centers are organizations created to improve the software engineering capabilities within a country or across countries. As many governments and corporations have begun to realize, such centers can play a crucial role in speeding the process of technology transfer, carrying out fundamental and applied research, and serving the needs of certain sectors (such as national defense). As a result, centers of various shapes and sizes have arisen across the world – from the well-established centers such as the United States’ Software Engineering Institute and Europe’s Fraunhofer Institute, to newcomers like the Portugal’s Institute for Software Engineering and the Korea’s National IT Promotion Agency’s Software Engineering Center.

This birds-of-a-feather session is being organized to provide a forum for people interested in software engineering centers to meet each other, compare notes about the various organizational and sustainability models that different centers have adopted, and consider the possibility of future collaborative activities. We welcome your participation.