New Faculty and Researchers Symposium

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

8:15AM - 5:00PM

Location: South Pacific 1&2

Goals and Objectives

The challenge of becoming a new assistant professor at a university or a researcher at a research lab is one that most people accept with enthusiasm and energy, but also with some trepidation. This first position is a signal of accomplishment and the culmination of many years of hard work but it signals the start of another round of hard work and challenges that are new and often unfamiliar. Among these new challenges are establishing an independent research program, learning how to teach, learning how to mentor, and deciding how to balance career and personal life. For a new software engineering faculty member or researcher there are additional challenges such as obtaining financial support, supervising the development of software systems, and dealing with skeptical faculty colleagues from other disciplines.

The New Faculty and Researchers Symposium (NFRS), which was first held in conjunction with ICSE 01 in Toronto, has been organized with the goal of helping new software engineering faculty members and researchers feel more comfortable and confident in dealing with these many challenges. NFRS features presentations by leading academic software engineering faculty and researchers who provide advice and guidance based up their personal experiences and insights into the contemporary academic software engineering community. There is also ample time for informal and small group interactions with the presenters and other attendees.

NFRS is designed to be a service to those who are within two years of (either before or after) their initial tenure track academic or research lab appointment, although the symposium may be of significant interest and value to others.

Symposium Schedule

Continental Breakfast
Welcome, Introductions, Overview of the Day
(Mary Jean Harrold, Georgia Institute of Technology)
Mapping Out a Research Agenda
(Mary Lou Soffa, University of Virginia)
Publication Strategies
(Gregg Rothermel, University of Nebraska, Lincoln)
(Alessandro Orso, Georgia Institute of Technology)
Teaching and Mentoring Students
(Gail Murphy, University of British Columbia)
Obtaining Research Funding  (breakout groups by nationality)
How to Improve the Chances to Get a Paper Accepted at ICSE/FSE/ASE
(Panel of Speakers)
How to Get Promoted
(Laura Dillon, Michigan State University)
Time Allocation: Balancing Research, Teaching, and Service
(Lori Pollock, University of Delaware)
How to Have a Life as Well as a Career—and Why!
(Sebastian Uchitel, University of Buenos Aires/Imperial College London)
Advice from Junior Faculty and Researchers
(James Jones, University of California, Irvine; Denys Poshyvanyk, College of William and Mary; Miyung Kim, University of Texas, Austin)
Closing Panel: Omissions, Clarifications, Elaborations, Question and Answer Session
(Symposium Speakers)
Summary and Final Remarks
(Mary Jean Harrold, Georgia Institute of Technology)


NFRS Chair

Georgia Tech
United States of America

NFRS Speakers

Laura Dillon, Michigan State University
James Jones, University of California, Irvine
Miryung Kim, The University of Texas at Austin
Gail Murphy, University of British Columbia
Alessandro Orso, Georgia Institute of Technology
Lori Pollock, University of Delaware
Denys Poshyvanyk, William and Mary
Gregg Rothermel, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Mary Lou Soffa, University of Virginia
Sebastián Uchitel, University of Buenos Aires / Imperial College London