Workshop Proposals
Scope and Goals
The 2011 International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) Workshops provide a forum for a group of 20-50 participants to discuss topics in software engineering research and practice. ICSE Workshops will provide opportunities for researchers to exchange and discuss scientific and engineering ideas at a stage before they have matured to warrant conference or journal publication. ICSE Workshops also serve as incubators for scientific communities that form and share a particular research agenda.
Workshop proposals will be reviewed by the ICSE 2011 Workshop Committee according to the criteria defined below. ICSE 2011 Workshops may be either one or two days long and may be held before or after the main conference. Participation in ICSE workshops is typically open. ICSE workshops frequently publish a call for papers to produce workshop proceedings to be published in the ACM Digital Library.
Proposal Submissions
Proposals must not exceed four pages in length, must follow the ICSE 2011 Workshop Proposal Template (doc, pdf) and must include the following information in the order specified:
- full contact information for all organizers of the workshop;
- identify a main contact for the workshop;
- the desired length of the workshop (i.e., one or two days);
- desired workshop date(s) and scheduling constraints; as usual workshops will be scheduled before and after the main ICSE 2011 conference;
- a one-page outline of the theme and goals of the workshop including a brief abstract (less than 175 words) intended for the ICSE 2011 web site;
- a statement discussing the relevance to the field of software engineering;
- plans for generating and stimulating discussion at the workshop;
- the desired minimum and maximum number of workshop participants;
- links for the preliminary web site of the workshop and call for papers;
- a list of program committee members including proposed and committed members;
- the participant solicitation and selection process including whether the workshop will be open or closed;
- plans for the workshop proceedings including an ideal number of papers and the maximum number of pages per paper imposed by the workshop (i.e., 7 pages);
- plans for electronic submission of papers; ICSE 2011 workshops may use a submission system of their choosing, such as, CyberChairPRO or EasyChair;
- a statement and justification of the expected number of participants to help determine whether the workshop is financially feasible - in case of previously held workshops, the number of submissions and registered attendees as well as the web site must be included;
- equipment, room capacity, and other logistic constraints; and
- a brief description of each organizer's background, including relevant past experience in organizing conferences and workshops.
We strongly encourage you to communicate the topic of your workshop to the workshop co-chairs by e-mail as early as possible to be able to recognize and resolve topic conflicts and overlaps before the proposal submission deadline.
Proposals must be submitted electronically via CyberChairPRO. The deadline for workshop proposal submission is Friday, 17 September 2010.
Review and Evaluation Criteria
Workshop proposals will be reviewed by the ICSE 2011 Workshop Committee and evaluated according to the following criteria:
- The potential to advance the state of software engineering research and practice
- The organizers' commitment to stimulate discussion at the workshop
- The organizers' experience and ability to lead a successful workshop
- Timeliness and expected interest in the workshop topics
- The balance and synergy between all ICSE 2011 events
Each accepted workshop will have two (2) pages for a summary in the conference proceedings: this summary must be submitted by the ICSE 2011 camera-ready copy deadline (11 Feb 2011). Upon notification of acceptance, all authors of accepted workshops will be asked to complete an ACM Copyright form and will receive further instructions for preparing their camera ready versions according to the ICSE 2011 Format and Submission Guidelines. Accepted workshops must adhere to the common deadlines listed below for submission of workshop papers, notification of acceptance of workshop papers, and preparation of the workshop proceedings. Workshop organizers must limit the length of any requested workshop papers to seven (7) pages and must follow the ICSE 2011 Format and Submission Guidelines.
Important Dates
Submission Due Date | Friday, September 17, 2010 |
Notification Date | Friday, November 19, 2010 |
Camera-Ready Date | Friday, February 11, 2011 |
ICSE 2011 will not pay for registration, travel, or other arrangements for workshop organizers or any of their invited speakers or guests. All participants, including workshop organizers, keynote speakers, and invited guests, must register for the workshop.
Workshop Co-Chairs
Workshop Committee
See the workshop committee page.