ICSE 2011 Technical Briefings

Location Sea Pearl 1-6


ICSE Technical Briefings provide a venue for communicating new insights, knowledge, and skills in a broad range of areas of software engineering. Participants at the technical briefings include practitioners, managers, teachers, researchers and students seeking to gain a better understanding of particular aspects of software engineering. Technical Briefings are a great way to get a broad overview of multiple topics in a single day. Prior experience in the topic areas is not necessary.

The Technical Briefings program will be held on Tuesday, May 24, 2011, the day before the main conference. Individual briefings will be on particular topics and will be 90 minutes long. There will be three parallel tracks, for a total of 12 briefings (see schedule below).

A common question is "Are Technical Briefings the same as tutorials?" The answer is that they are a new and improved type of tutorial. In the previous ICSE tutorial model, attendees had to commit to just one topic for a whole or half day. Instead, with the Technical Briefings program, registrants can attend four full technical briefings in just one day or hop between all twelve. Attendees do not have to decide which briefs to attend in advance, and, best of all, attendees get all this for just one price!

Want your students to get a broad overview of the state-of-the-art? Register them for the Technical Briefings!

Want to gain valuable technical knowledge that you can use today? Sign up for the Technical Briefings!

Want to remain competitive in your field? Enroll today for the Technical Briefings!

Click here for a brief description of all ICSE 2011 Technical Briefings.


Tuesday, May 24, 2010
Session 1: 8:30AM - 10:00AM
Break: 3:00PM - 3:30PM
Session 4: 3:30AM - 5:00PM

Program Committee

See the Technical Briefings committee page.