ICSE 2011 Call for Submissions
ICSE is the premier software engineering conference, providing a forum for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences, and concerns in the field of software engineering. The conference features the presentation of research papers, workshops, research demonstrations, and updates on the use of advanced software engineering techniques in industry.
The ICSE 2011 theme of Software by Design reflects the widely-held view that the most important ingredient in ensuring a software system’s long-term success is its design. While other concepts, concerns, activities, artifacts, and processes are important to the success of a software engineering project, it is the quality of a system’s design that provides the critical ingredient. Highlighting design as the conference’s theme is meant to focus attention upon design’s centrality, to encourage reflection on design experience, to inspire new designers, and to encourage development of new design techniques.
We invite you to submit to the following events, as well as to our co-located events.
ICSE 2011 will take place in the Hilton Hawaiian Village Beach Resort and Spa, located on Waikiki beach in Honolulu, on the island of Oahu. This beachfront hotel sits on over 22 acres, and has the largest swiming pool in Waikiki, over 20 restaurants, exotic wildlife, botanic gardens, and a branch of the Bishop museum. We hope that you will join us for a most memorable ICSE.
Richard N. Taylor
ICSE 2011 General Chair