ICSE 2011 Doctoral Symposium
Monday, May 23, 2011
8:30AM - 5:00PM
Location: Hibiscus 1&2
Goals and Objectives
The goals of the Doctoral Symposium are to provide a supportive yet questioning setting in which Ph.D. students can present their work; to provide an opportunity for students to attend ICSE; and to support the ICSE mission as a world-leading venue for software engineering research. Students will be able to discuss their goals, methods, and results at an early stage in their research. The Symposium aims to provide students with useful guidance and feedback on various aspects of their research from established researchers and the other student attendees. It also helps participants to establish a research and social network of their peers from around the world.
The Symposium is a closed forum, open only to the committee and invited students.
Symposium Schedule
- Introductions
- Directed Test Suite Augmentation (Zhihong Xu, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA)
- Specification Mining in Concurrent and Distributed Systems (Sandeep Kumar, National University of Singapore, Singapore)
- GATE: Game-based Testing Environment (Ning Chen, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China)
- Guest speaker: Mary Shaw "Planning and Presenting Software Engineering Research" (background reading)
- Pragmatic Prioritization of Software Quality Assurance Efforts (Emad Shihab, Queen's University, Canada)
- Detecting Architecturally-Relevant Code Smells in Evolving Software Systems (Isela Macia Bertran, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
- 1.x-Way Architecture-Implementation Mapping (Yongjie Zheng, UC Irvine, USA)
- Reengineering Legacy Software Products into Software Product Line Based on Automatic Variability Analysis (Yinxing Xue, National University of Singapore, Singapore)
- Inconsistency Management Framework for Model-Based Development (Alexander Reder, Johannes Kepler University, Austria)
- Guest speaker: Paola Inverardi "Research and Publish"
- Exploring, Exposing, and Exploiting Emails to Include Human Factors in Software Engineering (Alberto Bacchelli, University of Lugano, Switzerland)
- Pragmatic Reuse in Web Application Development (Josip Maras, University of Split, Croatia)
- Reuse vs. Maintainability: Revealing the Impact of Composition Code Properties (Francisco Dantas, PUC-Rio, Brazil)
- Mental Models and Parallel Program Maintenance (Caitlin Sadowski, UC Santa Cruz, USA)
- Wrap-Up
Poster Session
All Doctorial Symposium participants are invited to present posters in a special session to be held:
Wednesday, May 25th
Ballroom Foyer
Early Phase Extended Abstracts (accepted with posters only)
- Using Software Evolution History to Facilitate Development and Maintenance (Pamela Bhattacharya, UC Riverside, USA)
- Searching, Selecting, and Synthesizing Source Code (Collin McMillan, College of William and Mary, USA)
- Tracing Architecturally Significant Requirements: A Decision-Centric Approach (Mehdi Mirakhorli, DePaul University, USA)
- Predictable Dynamic Deployment of Components in Embedded Systems (Ana Petričić, Mälardalen University, Sweden)
- A Declarative Approach to Enable Flexible and Dynamic Service Compositions (Leandro Sales Pinto, Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
- A Framework for the Integration of User Centered Design and Agile Software Development Processes (Dina Salah, University of York, UK)
- Improving Open Source Software Patch Contribution Process: Methods and Tools (Bhuricha Sethanandha, Portland State University, USA)
- Systematizing Security Test Case Planning Using Functional Requirements Phrases (Ben Smith, North Carolina State University, USA)
- Mining Software Repositories Using Topic Models (Stephen W. Thomas, Queen's University, Canada)
Doctoral Symposium Co-Chairs
Workshop Committee
See the Doctoral Symposium committee page.