Student Volunteers

ICSE 2011 is an excellent opportunity for students to meet and talk with leading academic and industrial researchers and practitioners in the area of software engineering. Being a student volunteer is also a great way to meet other students from all over the world and to offset some of the costs of the conference. Student volunteers are critical in ensuring that the conference runs smoothly and ICSE 2011 would not be possible without their enthusiastic contribution.

Important Dates 

Student volunteer submissions are now closed.

Submission Due Date Sunday, January 30, 2011
Notification Date Friday, February 18, 2011



  • Complimentary registration to the main conference.
  • Tickets to meals and receptions organized by the conference.
  • Free ICSE 2011 T-shirt.
  • Invitation to the volunteer thank you party.


  • Approximately 20 hours of work in total during the week of the conference.
  • Technical assistance to speakers and conference participants.
  • Help at the registration desk and checking badges for entry to events.
  • Other similar tasks.
  • Availability between the 21th and the 28th of May (inclusive). Some volunteers will also be needed the day before the conference starts to help fill registration bags.


  • Enrollment as a Ph.D., Masters, or full-time undergraduate student at the time of the conference.
  • Proficiency in English.


To apply for a student volunteer position, you must submit the following by January 30, 2011:

  • A completed volunteer application form with an attached Curriculum Vitae (CV).
  • A letter of recommendation from your academic advisor must be sent via e-mail to the Student Volunteers Chair at by January 30, 2011. This letter should cover your organizational ability, English proficiency, and willingness to help others. Please note, this letter MUST originate from the e-mail you indicated for your advisor on your application form.

Visa Support Letters

If you need a visa support letter to apply for a visa, please visit the Visa Information page.

CAPS Funding

We encourage all students to apply for financial assistance through the Sigsoft CAPS program. 

Student Volunteers Chair

If you have further questions, please contact the Student Volunteers Chair:

University of California, Irvine
United States of America