Student Contest on Software Engineering
The Student Contest on Software Engineering (SCORE) is a worldwide competition for student teams at the undergraduate and master’s level. Student teams participating in the contest are able to choose from a number of project topics proposed by the SCORE Program Committee, which cover diverse application fields and types.
More information:
- Students and instructors are encouraged to use SCORE projects in project-oriented software engineering courses. See Information for Instructors.
- The Call for Participation provides contest rules and procedures for registering and competing.
- A representative of each finalist team will receive financial support to partially defray the cost of travel and particpation in the SCORE 2011 finals at ICSE 2011 in Hawaii.
- In addition to overall awards, two special recognitions are planned, one for an outstanding project by a geographically distributed team, and another (thanks to Formal Methods Europe) for outstanding use of formal methods.
- SCORE 2011, which is part of ICSE 2011, is the second running of SCORE following the great success of SCORE 2009, held in conjunction with ICSE 2009 in Vancouver. Projects from the SCORE series are collected in a project archive as a service to educators in the software engineering community.
Registration for SCORE 2011 opens in February 2010 and closes in November 2010, with submission of summary reports from March 2010 through 15 January 2011.