ICSE 2011 Panels

What Industry Wants from Research

When: Thursday, May 26 10:45AM
Location: South Pacific 1&2
Panel Abstract:

Half of the people who attended the first ICSE in 1975 came from industry, but by 2010, industry participation was less than 20%.  This lack of participation hurts both sides: researchers have fewer insights on the problems that are important to practitioners, while practitioners fail to learn what researchers have already discovered that might be useful to them.

Since the publication of "Making Software" in 2010, editor Greg Wilson and the other organizers of this panel have sought to close this gap between industry and research.  We started by interviewing leading practitioners in industry to find out what questions they want answered, and what kinds of answers they will find compelling as evidence.  At this panel, representatives from the software industry and professionals that straddle the line between research and practice will use the findings from our interviews as a starting point for discussion and will explore how to bring theory and practice back together.

Lionel Briand, Simula Research Laboratory
Tatsuhiro Nishioka, Corporate Software Engineering Center, Toshiba Corporation
John Penix, Google
Wolfram Schulte, Microsoft Research
Peri Tarr, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
David Weiss, Iowa State University

Impact Panel

When: Friday, May 27 10:30AM
Location: South Pacific 1&2
Panel Abstract:

This Impact Panel Session is intended to be the focus of a discussion of the general questions surrounding impact: What do we think research impact is? What do other communities regard as impact? How should impact be determined and measured? How can we increase the impact made by our community's research? What new directions might the Software Engineering Community take to stimulate thinking and action in examining these issues? How do the funding bodies view and measure impact?

Carlo Ghezzi, Politecnico di Milano
Pete Rotella, Cisco Research
Richard N. Taylor, University of California, Irvine
Organizer: Leon Osterweil

SE Research Grants and NSF "Broader Impacts": NSF Changes and SE Researcher Strategies

When: Friday, May 27 2:00PM
Location: Coral Ballroom 2
Panel Abstract:

In January 2011, President Obama signed the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act into law. The Act asks the NSF to apply the Broader Impact review criterion to achieve a number of societal goals and to implement a plan for achieving this within six months of the Act becoming law. Thus, NSF has been mandated to take Broader Impacts even more seriously than before. The clock has been ticking since January, and by the time ICSE is held, NSF's procedures will be only two months away from changing. This session's goal would be to define the five different ways the criteria can be fulfilled (only one of which is outreach), with many examples and strategies that should be easily within the comfort zones and means of almost any US software engineering researcher.

A good collection of Broader Impacts information:

Margaret Burnett, Oregon State University
Lori Clarke, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Sebastian Elbaum, University of Nebraska
Bill Pugh, NSF
Organizer: Margaret Burnett