The International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) is the premier software engineering conference, providing a forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the field of software engineering.

Conference News

ICSE 2011 Social Media

The social media co-chairs for ICSE 2011, Sue Black and Ken Anderson, with help from student volunteers and guest bloggers will be updating two blogs throughout the conference. One blog will be devoted to the conference in general ( while the other will focus on ICSE's workshops ( The main blog will provide information on interesting conference events, feature interviews of ICSE attendees and organizers, and provide pointers to conference-related topics.

Information on the conference will also be posted on Twitter via the @ICSEConf twitter account. We encourage attendees to tweet about the conference and to tag those tweets with the hashtag #icse2011. That hashtag will be monitored throughout the conference and the most interesting and/or most relevant tweets will be retweeted by ICSEConf and featured on the main conference page.

ICSE 2011 Smart Phone Applications

Check out these cool new ICSE 2011 conference applications for smartphones and the iPad!

Chris Bird and Tom Zimmermann of Microsoft Research have brought us an ICSE 2011 application on Windows Phone 7. Download now from the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace.

An ICSE 2011 application for your iPhone and iPad is now available in the online Apple Store.  Brought to you by Sandro Boccuzzo, Medialemon GmbH and University of Zurich, Switzerland.


ICSE 2011 Personalized Calendars

Authenticated users can now create personalized calendars on the ICSE 2011 website.   Simply select events from the ICSE main conference program, pre/post conference program, and community meetings and they will be displayed in your personalized calendar.  Your calendar can be also exported into ical format for importing into your personal calendar application.

Final Day for Early Registration

April 15th is the last day for ICSE 2011 early registration.  Register today!

Visit to register.

ICSE Early Registration Ending Soon!

Only 3 days left for ICSE 2011 Early Registration.  Register today!

Visit to register.

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