The International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) is the premier software engineering conference, providing a forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the field of software engineering.
Conference News
SEIP Program Track is now Accepting Paper Submissions - Deadline Oct 15
The ICSE 2011 Software Engineering in Practice Track is now accepting paper submissions. The submission deadline is October 15, 2010. See the SEIP Track call for details. Papers should be submitted electronically via CyberChairPro at
Call for ICSE 2011 Demonstrations Track
The ICSE 2011 Demonstrations Track will provide a forum for conference participants to present novel and innovative software tools and techniques to the software engineering community. This track will enable conference participants to view research systems in action and to discuss the systems with the people who created them. Each demonstration will be presented through the use of a prepared video at the conference, as well as through a three-page paper to be published in the ICSE proceedings. See the Demonstrations Track call for more information.
ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) at ICSE 2011
ICSE 2011 will host an ACM Student Research Competition (SRC), sponsored by Microsoft Research. This competition offers undergraduate and graduate students a unique forum to experience the research world, present their research results to conference attendees, and compete for prizes.
Participate in this exciting competition and submit your work to the ACM Student Research Competition at ICSE 2011 in Hawaii!
For details on how to enter click here.
Call for ICSE 2011 New Ideas and Emerging Results Track
The ICSE New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER) track will provide researchers with a forum for presenting and getting early feedback on novel research ideas and promising work that has not yet been fully evaluated. We invite submissions that challenge the status quo with either novel technical approaches and results, new research directions, unusual synergies with other disciplines, provocative ideas, or evidence that long-standing beliefs no longer hold true. For more information please see the Call for ICSE 2011 New Ideas and Emerging Results Track.
Technical/Research Track Submissions Due Aug 20th
Reminder: Submissions for the ICSE 2011 Technical/Research Track are due August 20th. See the Technical/Research Track call for details. Papers should be submitted electronically via CyberChairPro.