The International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) is the premier software engineering conference, providing a forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the field of software engineering.
Conference News
ICSE 2011 Student Volunteer Program is Now Accepting Applications – Deadline Jan 30
The ICSE 2011 Student Volunteer Program is now accepting applications. The application deadline is January 30, 2011.
Applicants must complete the Student Volunteer Application Form including an attached Curriculum Vitae (CV). In addition, we must receive a letter of recommendation from the applicant's advisor by the application deadline. See the Student Volunteer Program page for more information.
Swag Your Site with an ICSE 2011 Logo Today!
Please help us to promote ICSE 2011. Adding our logo to your site is easy! Visit our logos page where you can grab html to insert directly into your web page. While you are at it, be sure to enter our Swag Your Site Contest and you could win one free night at the conference hotel, The Hilton Hawaiian Village.
NIER Program Track is now Accepting Paper Submissions - Deadline Dec 10
The ICSE 2011 New Ideas and Emerging Results Track is now accepting paper submissions. The submission deadline is December 10, 2010. Please see the NIER Track call for details.
Papers should be submitted electronically via CyberChairPro at
Deadline Approaching for SEIP Track Submissions
Reminder: the submission deadline for the Software Engineering in Practice (SEIP) Track is October 15, 2010!
Video Message from the ICSE 2011 Chair
A video message from Richard Taylor, the ICSE 2011 General Chair, has been added to ICSE 2011 Welcome Page. Check it out...