The International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) is the premier software engineering conference, providing a forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the field of software engineering.
Conference News
SCORE 2011 Projects Online, Team Registration Open
SCORE 2010 team registration is open. The descriptions of the projects available to student teams wishing to compete in SCORE 2011 are now online on the SCORE web site.
SCORE 2011 is the second edition of the Student Contest on Software Engineering, which will be part of ICSE 2011.
SCORE is a worldwide competition for undergraduate and master's level students, which emphasizes the engineering aspects of software development. Student teams participating in the contest are able to choose from a number of project topics proposed by the SCORE Program Committee, which cover diverse application fields and types.
For additional information, please visit the SCORE 2011 web site, where you can find the Call For Participation (including contest rules), and the list of available projects.
For any inquiries regarding SCORE 2011, please contact the contest organizers.
Website Launches
The ICSE 2011 website launches today! Keep checking here. Coming soon... customizable user profiles for each conference attendee, forums, photo galleries, and more! Subscribe to this RSS feed for the latest ICSE 2011 conference news.