The International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) is the premier software engineering conference, providing a forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the field of software engineering.

Conference News

Register Now for ICSE 2011 Technical Briefings


ICSE Technical Briefings provide a venue for communicating new insights, knowledge, and skills in a broad range of areas of software engineering. Participants at the technical briefings include practitioners, managers, teachers, researchers and students seeking to gain a better understanding of particular aspects of software engineering. Technical Briefings are a great way to get a broad overview of multiple topics in a single day. Prior experience in the topic areas is not necessary.

The Technical Briefings program will be held on Tuesday, May 24, 2011, the day before the main conference. Individual briefings will be on particular topics and will be 90 minutes long. There will be three parallel tracks, for a total of 12 briefings.

A common question is "Are Technical Briefings the same as tutorials?" The answer is that they are a new and improved type of tutorial. In the previous ICSE tutorial model, attendees had to commit to just one topic for a whole or half day. Instead, with the Technical Briefings program, registrants can attend four full technical briefings in just one day or hop between all twelve. Attendees do not have to decide which briefs to attend in advance, and, best of all, attendees get all this for just one price!

Want your students to get a broad overview of the state-of-the-art? Register them for the Technical Briefings!
Want to gain valuable technical knowledge that you can use today? Sign up for the Technical Briefings!
Want to remain competitive in your field? Enroll today for the Technical Briefings!

Technical Briefing Topics for 2011:

  • Requirements Traceability in Software Intensive Systems
  • Studying Software Engineering as a Human Activity
  • Optimizing Software Testing
  • Software Engineering for Secure Systems
  • Mining Software Engineering Data
  • Towards Industrialization of Business Application Development Using a Model-driven Approach
  • Symbolic Execution and Software Testing
  • Empirical Software Engineering, Version 2.0
  • REST: The Emerging Architectural Style for Service Oriented Computing
  • Patents and Software Engineering
  • Software Visualization - Principles and Practice
  • Context-bounded Verification of Concurrent Software

Details and schedule available at:

Festschrift for Lee Osterweil

Festschrift in Celebration of Leon J. Osterweil
Tuesday May 24 at ICSE 2011, Honolulu, Hawaii


Software engineering research can trace its roots to a small number of highly influential individuals. Among that select group is Prof. Leon J. Osterweil, whose work has fundamentally defined or impacted major directions in software analysis, development tools and environments, and software process. His exceptional and sustained contributions to the field have been recognized with awards from ACM SIGSOFT for research and education.

The Festschrift in celebration of Lee's achievements will feature presentations by prominent members of our community, examining the past and modern influence of Lee's work on flow analysis, software tools and environments, and of course software process. Every attendee will receive a copy of the newly published book, "Engineering of Software: The Continuing Contributions of Leon J. Osterweil". Published by Springer, the book assembles Lee's most important publications to date together with several new contributions from leading authors.

Schedule for the day:

08:30 Welcome and Introductions
  speakers: Peri Tarr, Alexander Wolf
09:00 Software Tools and Environments
  speakers: Lori Clarke, Dewayne Perry, Richard Taylor
10:00 Break
10:30 Flow Analysis
  speakers: Matthew Dwyer, Jonathan Aldrich, Eric Bodden, Barbara Ryder, Zhendong Su
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Software Process
  speakers: Stanley M. Sutton Jr., Wilhelm Schaefer, Carlo Ghezzi, Volker Gruhn, Takuya Katayama, Qing Wang
15:00 break
15:30 The Future of Software Engineering
  speaker: Leon J. Osterweil
17:00 Reception


If you are unable to attend, you can still purchase the accompanying book while supplies last. Please contact Peri Tarr ( or Alexander Wolf ( for order information.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Organizers: Peri Tarr and Alexander Wolf
Area coordinators: Lori Clarke, Matthew Dwyer, Wilhelm Schaefer, and Stanley M. Sutton Jr.

New Faculty and Researchers Symposium at ICSE 2011

Early Registration Deadline:  April 15th

The challenge of becoming a new assistant professor at a university or a researcher at a research lab is one that most people accept with enthusiasm and energy, but also with some trepidation. This first position is a signal of accomplishment and the culmination of many years of hard work but itsignals the start of another round of hard work and challenges that are new and often unfamiliar. Among these new challenges are establishing an independent research program, learning how to teach, learning how to mentor, and deciding how to balance career and personal life. For a new software engineering faculty member or researcher there are additional challenges such as obtaining financial support, supervising the development of software systems, and dealing with skeptical faculty colleagues from other disciplines.

The New Faculty and Researchers Symposium (NFRS), which was first held in conjunction with ICSE 01 in Toronto, has been organized with the goal of helping new software engineering faculty members and researchers feel more comfortable and confident in dealing with these many challenges. NFRS features presentations by leading academic software engineering faculty and researchers who provide advice and guidance based up their personal
experiences and insights into the contemporary academic software engineering community. There is also ample time for informal and small group interactions with the presenters and other attendees.

NFRS is designed to be a service to those who are within two years of(either before or after) their initial tenure track academic or research lab appointment, although the symposium may be of significant interest and value to others.

Register now: early registration closes on April 15th!

NF&RS Schedule is available at:

Speakers include:
       Mary Lou  Soffa
       Gregg Rothermell
       Alessandro Orso
       Gail Murphy
       Laura Dillon
       Lori Pollock
       Sebastian Uchitel
       James Jones
       Denys Poshyvanyk
       Miryung Kim
       Mary Jean Harrold (Chair)

To register visit


Swag Your Site Contest Winner

Congratulations to Adrian Schroeter, the winner of our "Swag Your Site" contest!   He has won a free night's stay at the Hilton Hawaiian Village.  Thank you Adrian for helping us get the word out about ICSE in Hawaii.

You too can help us promote ICSE 2011.  Visit our logos page where you can copy html to insert a logo directly into your web page.

ICSE 2011 General Annoucements


Advance Program and Workshop Programs available online.

33rd International Conference on Software Engineering
May 21-28, 2011 * Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii

ICSE is the premier software engineering conference, providing a forum for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the field of software engineering. The conference features the presentation of research papers, technical briefings, workshops, research demonstrations, and updates on the use of advanced software engineering techniques in industry. ICSE 2011 is the ideal venue for meeting and learning from like-minded colleagues from around the world. The ICSE 2011 theme of Software by Design will be highlighted through two keynote talks, by Kumiyo Nakakoji from Software Research Associates, Tokyo, and Bill Dresselhaus, formerly Principal Product Designer of the Apple Lisa and now Joint Invited Professor of Design at Hongik University in Seoul, Korea.

Main Conference Tracks

Research/Technical Track - over 60 papers to be presented
Software Engineering in Practice
New Ideas and Emerging Results
Impact Project Focus Area


22 Workshops before and after the main conference
Technical Briefings - 1 day/3 tracks of presentations on state-of-the-art topics
Doctoral Symposium
New Faculty and Researchers Symposium
Festschrift for Leon J. Osterweil
ACM Student Research Competition
Student Contest on Software Engineering (SCORE)
Luau Banquet, as part of the main conference
Exhibitors:  Publishers and Technology Providers

Co-Located Events

24th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T)
International Conference on Software and Systems Process 2011 (ICSSP 2011)
8th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2011)
6th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managed Systems (SEAMS)


Early registration ends April 15, 2011.
To register go to

Hotel Reservations

Make reservations at the conference hotel at discounted rates through April 21, 2011.
To make reservations go to

General Chair
Richard N. Taylor - Univ. of California, Irvine

Program Committee Chairs
Harald Gall - Univ. of Zurich
Nenad Medvidovic - Univ. of Southern California

Sponsored by:

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
ACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering (ACM SIGSOFT)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
IEEE Computer Society
IEEE Technical Council on Software Engineering (TCSE)

Supported by (partial list):

Microsoft Research
IBM Research
Software Engineering Institute
Tata Consultancy Services
U.S. National Science Foundation
Formal Methods Europe

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