The International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) is the premier software engineering conference, providing a forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in the field of software engineering.
Conference News
Call for ICSE 2011 Software Engineering in Practice Track
The ICSE Software Engineering in Practice track brings together software engineering practitioners and researchers from industry and academia. This track solicits high quality research papers and experience reports focused on industrial practice and applications of software engineering foundations, methods, practices, processes and tools. We welcome, in particular, results of partnerships between industry and academia that are pragmatic, practical, highly relevant, and thoroughly researched. For more information please see the Call for ICSE 2011 Software Engineering in Practice Track.
Call for ICSE 2011 Doctoral Symposium
The ICSE Doctoral Symposium provides a venue where Ph.D. students can present their work and receive useful guidance and feedback on various aspects of their research from established researchers and the other student attendees. It also helps participants to establish a research and social network of their peers from around the world. The Symposium will take place two days before the main ICSE conference track, on Monday May 23, 2011. Potential participants are now being solicited. For more information see the Call for the ICSE 2011 Doctoral Symposium.
Announcing new ICSE 2011 Focus Area sponsored by the ACM-Sigsoft Impact Project
ICSE 2011 will be devoting one or more sessions to a special identified focus area on the impact of software engineering research on software development practice. The Impact Project invites the submission to this focus area of original papers that make a contribution towards the better understanding of such issues as:
- How specific software development technologies and practices that are currently in widespread use have come into being.
- What contributions to contemporary software development technology have been made by specific software engineering research activities.
- What contributions to other fields, in Computer Science and elsewhere, have been made by specific software engineering research activities.
- What specific approaches to technology transition have proven to have been particularly effective and successful.
- What obstacles to the understanding and/or transition of software engineering research products have hindered their acceptance and transition.
All papers accepted for the Impact Project focus area will be presented in sessions at ICSE 2011, and will appear in the conference proceedings. For more information, please see the Impact Project Focus Area Call for Papers .
Call for ICSE 2011 Technical Briefings Proposals
The ICSE Technical Briefings will provide a venue for communicating the state of a topic related to software engineering. Topics may describe a software engineering activity, such as the state-of-the-art in requirements engineering, or describe a related method or technique, such as machine learning or Bayesian statistics. Selected topics will be allocated a 90 min slot on the day before the main ICSE conference (Tuesday May 24, 2011). Technical Briefings participants will be able to attend topic presentations of their choice to learn about the state-of-the-art in different areas. Orgainizers are soliciting potential topics and presenters. Please see the Call for ICSE 2011 Technical Briefings Proposals.
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Please help us to promote ICSE 2011. Adding our logo to your site is easy! Visit our logos page where you can grab html to insert directly into your web page. While you are at it, be sure to enter our Swag Your Site Contest and you could win one free night at the conference hotel, The Hilton Hawaiian Village.